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Our Top 20 – Where to buy live Crickets

Incorporating live crickets into your pet’s diet can offer many benefits, from providing essential nutrients to stimulating their natural hunting instincts. By understanding the nutritional value of live crickets, promoting natural behaviors, and following proper care guidelines, you can enhance your pet’s overall health and well-being.

Remember, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the ideal quantity and frequency of live cricket feedings based on your pet’s specific needs. So, start enriching your pet’s life today by introducing the nutritious and interactive experience of live crickets. Your pet will thank you with their vibrant health and satisfaction.

live cricket keeper

Birds that eat live crickets

  1. African Grey Parrot:
    • Known for their high intelligence, African Grey Parrots enjoy a diverse diet that includes crickets as a source of protein. They have strong beaks and dexterous feet, allowing them to catch and devour crickets with ease.
  2. Indian Ringneck Parakeet:
    • Indian Ringneck Parakeets are playful and active birds that have a natural inclination for hunting insects. They exhibit great agility and coordination while capturing and consuming crickets.
  3. Quaker Parrot:
    • Quaker Parrots, also known as Monk Parakeets, have a robust appetite and enjoy the occasional treat of crickets. Their strong beaks and nimble feet assist them in seizing and consuming the insects.
  4. Cockatiel:
    • Cockatiels are popular pet birds that exhibit a curious nature. They relish the opportunity to chase and catch crickets, using their beaks and claws to secure their prey before enjoying a protein-rich snack.
  5. Budgerigar (Budgie):
    • Budgies are small and lively birds that possess excellent agility. They eagerly pursue crickets, relying on their quick reflexes and sharp beaks to capture and consume these tasty insects.
  6. Lovebird:
    • Lovebirds are known for their social nature and playful personalities. While they primarily feed on seeds and fruits, they can also be given the occasional cricket treat, which provides mental stimulation and satisfies their natural foraging instincts.
  7. Senegal Parrot:
    • Senegal Parrots are intelligent and curious birds that thrive on a varied diet. Offering crickets as an occasional snack stimulates their natural hunting instincts, providing both physical exercise and mental enrichment.
  8. Sun Conure:
    • Sun Conures are vibrant and energetic birds that have a natural inclination for hunting insects. They possess strong beaks and agile bodies, allowing them to actively pursue and consume crickets.
  9. Eclectus Parrot:
    • Eclectus Parrots are known for their striking appearance and gentle temperament. While their diet primarily consists of fruits and vegetables, they can also benefit from the occasional addition of crickets to provide a well-rounded nutritional intake.
  10. Amazon Parrot:
    • Amazon Parrots are highly intelligent and social birds that thrive on a varied diet. Introducing crickets as part of their feeding routine engages their foraging instincts, providing both physical and mental stimulation.

Our top 20 Sources for Live Crickets

Please be sure to check out our list below for any specials, shipping and inventory as they may fluctuate throughout the year.

  1. Fluker Farms ( Fluker Farms offers a wide range of live feeder insects, including crickets, and has been in the business for over 60 years. They provide various cricket sizes and offer different quantities to suit your needs.
  2. Ghann’s Cricket Farm ( Ghann’s Cricket Farm is a reputable supplier of live crickets. They offer a selection of cricket sizes and have been supplying insects for over 50 years. They also provide additional resources and information on cricket care.
  3. Rainbow Mealworms ( Although their main focus is mealworms, Rainbow Mealworms also offers live crickets. They ensure quality and freshness in their shipments and provide a range of cricket sizes.
  4. Josh’s Frogs ( Josh’s Frogs specializes in providing supplies for reptiles and amphibians. They offer live crickets in different sizes, along with detailed care information. They are known for their excellent customer service and reliable shipping.
  5. Top Hat Cricket Farm ( Top Hat Cricket Farm is a family-owned business that focuses on producing healthy and nutritious live crickets. They provide a variety of sizes and ensure that their crickets are raised on a quality diet.
  6. Mulberry Farms ( Mulberry Farms is a trusted supplier of live crickets and other feeder insects. They offer different cricket sizes and provide nutritional information to help you meet your pet’s dietary needs.
  7. The Worm Lady ( The Worm Lady is a Canadian-based supplier that offers live crickets. They provide multiple sizes and ship across Canada. They prioritize the health and well-being of their insects.
  8. Premium Crickets ( Premium Crickets is committed to providing high-quality live crickets. They offer various sizes, ensuring you can find the right fit for your pet. They focus on raising healthy crickets through proper nutrition and care.
  9. ABDragons ( ABDragons specializes in providing live insects and reptile supplies. They offer a selection of cricket sizes and ensure the quality of their products. They have a user-friendly website and reliable shipping options.
  10. Great Lakes Hornworm ( While their main focus is hornworms, Great Lakes Hornworm also supplies live crickets. They offer different sizes and guarantee freshness in their shipments.
  11. The Critter Depot ( The Critter Depot is a reputable supplier of live feeder insects, including crickets. They offer different sizes and quantities, and their crickets are gut-loaded to ensure optimal nutrition for your pet.
  12. West Coast Roaches ( West Coast Roaches is primarily known for supplying roaches but also offers live crickets. They provide different sizes and prioritize the health and well-being of their insects.
  13. Timberline Fisheries ( Timberline Fisheries is a trusted supplier of live crickets. They offer various cricket sizes and provide reliable shipping options. They focus on raising healthy and nutritious crickets.
  14. Nature’s Way ( Nature’s Way offers live crickets and other feeder insects. They ensure quality and freshness in their shipments and provide a range of sizes to accommodate different pet needs.
  15. LLLReptile & Supply ( LLLReptile & Supply is a well-known supplier of reptile and amphibian products. They offer live crickets in different sizes and quantities. They have a wide selection of reptile supplies and reliable shipping options.
  16. The Cricket Company ( The Cricket Company focuses on providing live crickets and other feeder insects. They offer various cricket sizes and guarantee freshness. They have a user-friendly website and fast shipping options.
  17. Layne Labs ( Layne Labs specializes in providing quality feeder insects, including live crickets. They offer different sizes and ensure proper nutrition for their crickets to support the health of your pet.
  18. Great Lakes Gecko ( Great Lakes Gecko is primarily known for supplying gecko-related products, but they also offer live crickets. They provide different sizes and prioritize the well-being of their insects.
  19. Reptile Supply ( Reptile Supply offers a variety of reptile products, including live crickets. They provide different sizes and quantities to suit your needs. They have a user-friendly website and offer reliable shipping.
  20. Wormy Worms ( Wormy Worms is a supplier of live feeder insects, including crickets. They offer different sizes and ensure quality in their shipments. They prioritize the health and satisfaction of their customers.

Pet Lizards that enjoy live crickets

  1. Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius): Leopard geckos are small, nocturnal lizards known for their beautiful patterns and docile nature. They primarily eat live insects, with crickets being a staple part of their diet. Crickets provide essential nutrition and stimulation for leopard geckos.
  2. Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps): Bearded dragons are medium-sized lizards that make popular pets due to their friendly demeanor and relatively easy care. They are omnivorous and consume a wide range of food, including live crickets. Crickets are an important part of a bearded dragon’s diet, especially for younger individuals.
  3. Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus): Crested geckos are arboreal lizards native to New Caledonia. They have become increasingly popular as pets due to their unique appearance and low-maintenance requirements. While they primarily consume fruit-based diets, live crickets can be offered as occasional treats or to supplement their diet with additional protein.
  4. Anole (Anolis spp.): Anoles are small, active lizards that are relatively easy to care for. Many species of anoles, such as the green anole (Anolis carolinensis), are insectivorous and readily consume live crickets as part of their diet. Providing a varied diet that includes crickets helps ensure their nutritional needs are met.
  5. Blue-tongued Skink (Tiliqua spp.): Blue-tongued skinks are medium-sized lizards known for their striking blue tongues and docile nature. They are omnivorous, with insects forming a significant portion of their diet. Live crickets are commonly offered to blue-tongued skinks as a protein source, promoting their overall health and well-being.

It’s important to note that while crickets can be a nutritious treat for pet birds, they should be sourced from reputable suppliers and fed in moderation to maintain a balanced diet. Always consult with an avian or amphibian veterinarian for guidance on incorporating crickets or any other new food items into your pet bird’s diet.