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22 Sources of Live Mealworms for your Pets

Are you looking for a natural and nutritious treat to enhance your pet’s diet? Look no further than live mealworms! These wriggly creatures are packed with essential nutrients that can benefit a variety of pets, from reptiles and birds to small mammals. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous advantages of incorporating live mealworms into your pet’s feeding routine. Get ready to discover the nutritional powerhouse that is live mealworms!

  1. High-Quality Protein: Live mealworms are a fantastic source of high-quality protein, which is essential for muscle development and overall health. Whether you have a bearded dragon, a leopard gecko, or a pet bird, these protein-packed treats can support their growth, maintenance, and energy needs.
  2. Essential Nutrients: Mealworms offer more than just protein. They are also rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. These nutrients contribute to your pet’s overall well-being, including their immune system, bone health, and vibrant feathers or scales.
  3. Enrichment and Stimulation: Feeding live mealworms to your pets can provide both physical and mental stimulation. The natural movement of mealworms triggers your pet’s hunting instincts, encouraging them to engage in active foraging behavior. This enrichment can help prevent boredom and promote a healthier, happier pet.
  4. Variety in Diet: Adding live mealworms to your pet’s diet introduces dietary variety, which is important for their overall nutrition. Pets, like reptiles and birds, can benefit from a diverse range of food items, and mealworms offer an exciting addition to their menu. Remember to consider your pet’s specific dietary requirements and consult with a veterinarian for optimal feeding guidelines.
  5. Training and Bonding: Live mealworms can be an excellent tool for training and bonding with your pet. Many animals, including birds and reptiles, find mealworms irresistible, making them an effective positive reinforcement during training sessions. The act of hand-feeding mealworms can also strengthen the bond between you and your pet, fostering trust and companionship.
  6. Convenient and Easy to Store: Live mealworms are readily available from reputable online sources and pet stores. They come conveniently packaged, making it easy to store and feed them to your pets as needed. Remember to follow the storage instructions provided by the supplier to maintain their freshness and quality.

20 Pets that enjoy eating live mealworms

bird eating live mealworms
  1. Bearded Dragon: These popular reptiles enjoy live mealworm as part of their balanced diet. Mealworms provide protein and nutrients for their growth and overall health.
  2. Leopard Gecko: Leopard geckos are insectivorous reptiles that readily consume live mealworms. Mealworms are a great addition to their diet, offering variety and essential nutrition.
  3. Crested Gecko: Crested geckos are arboreal reptiles known for their dietary versatility. They can consume live mealworm as part of their omnivorous diet, ensuring they receive essential nutrients.
  4. Bluebird: Bluebirds are insectivorous birds that relish live mealworms. These wiggly treats provide them with a valuable protein source during the breeding season and help support their overall health.
  5. Chickadee: Chickadees are small, active birds that readily eat live mealworms. Offering mealworms in a bird feeder can attract these delightful creatures to your backyard.
  6. Wren: Wrens are insectivorous birds that enjoy hunting and consuming live mealworms. Providing a supply of mealworms can attract wrens to your garden, offering you the opportunity to observe their energetic feeding habits.
  7. Hedgehog: Hedgehogs are insectivorous mammals that appreciate the protein-rich content of live mealworm. They can be offered mealworms as an occasional treat or as part of a balanced diet.
  8. Sugar Glider: Sugar gliders, small marsupials, have a varied diet that includes insects. Live mealworms can be offered to them as a protein source, keeping their diet diverse and providing enrichment.
  9. Bluefish: Bluefish, a predatory saltwater fish, enjoy live mealworms as a tasty treat. Anglers often use live mealworms as bait to attract bluefish when fishing.
  10. Trout: Trout are freshwater fish that readily consume live mealworms. Anglers use live mealworms as bait to entice trout during fishing expeditions.
  11. Betta Fish: Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, can consume live mealworms as part of their diet. It is important to ensure the size of the mealworms is appropriate for the betta fish to avoid choking hazards.
  12. Koi Fish: Koi fish, popular in ponds and water gardens, can be fed live mealworms as a protein-rich treat. It is essential to provide appropriate quantities to maintain a balanced diet for these beautiful fish.
  13. Frogs: Various species of frogs, including tree frogs and certain aquatic frogs, consume live mealworm. They can be a valuable food source for frogs in captivity or in the wild.
  14. Turtles: Many species of turtles, such as red-eared sliders and painted turtles, enjoy live mealworms as part of their omnivorous diet. They provide essential protein and nutrients for their well-being.
  15. Monitor Lizard: Monitor lizards, such as the Savannah monitor, are carnivorous reptiles that can include live mealworms in their diet. Mealworms offer a protein-rich option for these impressive reptiles.
  16. Skinks: Skinks, including blue-tongued skinks and fire skinks, are opportunistic feeders that readily consume live mealworms. Mealworms can be a nutritious addition to their varied diet.
  17. Chameleon: Chameleons are insectivorous reptiles that enjoy hunting live mealworms. The movement and size of mealworms can stimulate their natural hunting behavior.
  18. Rats: Domestic pet rats can consume live mealworms as a source of protein and enrichment. It is important to provide mealworms in moderation, considering their overall diet.
  19. Mice: Pet mice can be offered live mealworms as a tasty and protein-packed treat. It is important to ensure the size of the mealworms is appropriate for the mice to avoid any health issues.
  20. Hamsters: Certain species of hamsters, like the Roborovski hamster, can consume live mealworms as a source of protein. It is crucial to provide mealworms as an occasional treat and not as a staple food.

It’s important to note that the dietary needs of these animals may vary, and live mealworms should be offered in appropriate quantities and sizes. Always consult with a veterinarian or a knowledgeable pet specialist to ensure the optimal diet for your specific pet.

Do chickens like to eat live mealworms?

Yes, chickens do eat live mealworms. Mealworms are a great source of protein for chickens and can be offered as a treat or as part of their regular diet. Chickens are natural foragers and enjoy hunting and pecking at live insects, including mealworms. Feeding live mealworms to chickens can provide them with an engaging and enriching activity, as well as supplement their nutritional needs. The protein content in mealworms helps support chicken health, feather development, and egg production. Offering live mealworms to chickens can be a fun way to observe their natural behaviors and provide them with a diverse diet.

22 Sources – Live Mealworms

live mealworm facility at Fluker Farms
  1. Fluker Farms ( Fluker Farms offers a variety of live feeder insects, including mealworms. They provide high-quality, farm-raised mealworms that are rich in nutrients. Their mealworms come in different sizes and packaging options.
  2. Rainbow Mealworms ( Rainbow Mealworms is a reputable supplier that has been in the business for over 60 years. They offer a wide range of live mealworm, including different sizes and life stages. Their mealworms are raised on a nutritious diet, ensuring their quality and health.
  3. The Worm Lady ( The Worm Lady is a Canadian-based supplier that offers live mealworms. They provide fresh, healthy mealworms in various quantities. They ensure prompt shipping and prioritize the well-being of their insects.
  4. Mulberry Farms ( Mulberry Farms is a trusted source for live mealworms. They offer different sizes and quantities to meet your needs. Their mealworms are well-cared for and fed a nutritious diet for optimal health.
  5. Josh’s Frogs ( Josh’s Frogs is a supplier of various feeder insects, including live mealworms. They ensure the quality and freshness of their products and provide detailed care information. Their mealworms are suitable for a range of reptiles, amphibians, and other insectivorous pets.
  6. Top Hat Cricket Farm ( Top Hat Cricket Farm specializes in providing live feeder insects, including mealworms. They offer different sizes and quantities to accommodate various pet needs. Their mealworms are raised in a controlled environment to ensure their quality.
  7. Premium Crickets ( Premium Crickets is committed to providing high-quality live mealworms. They offer different sizes and packaging options. Their mealworms are gut-loaded for optimal nutrition.
  8. ABDragons ( ABDragons focuses on supplying live insects and reptile supplies. They offer live mealworms in different sizes and ensure the quality of their products. They have a user-friendly website and reliable shipping options.
  9. Great Lakes Hornworm ( While their main focus is hornworms, Great Lakes Hornworm also offers live mealworms. They provide different sizes and guarantee freshness in their shipments.
  10. The Critter Depot ( The Critter Depot is a reputable supplier of live feeder insects, including mealworms. They offer different sizes and quantities, and their mealworms are raised with proper nutrition to ensure their quality.
  11. West Coast Roaches ( West Coast Roaches is primarily known for supplying roaches but also offers live mealworms. They provide different sizes and prioritize the health and well-being of their insects.
  12. Timberline Fisheries ( Timberline Fisheries is a trusted supplier of live mealworms. They offer various sizes and ensure proper packaging and shipping to maintain the quality of their insects.
  13. Nature’s Way ( Nature’s Way offers live mealworms and other feeder insects. They ensure quality and freshness in their shipments and provide a range of sizes to suit different pet needs.
  14. LLLReptile & Supply ( LLLReptile & Supply is a reputable source for reptile supplies, including live feeder insects like mealworms. They offer different sizes and quantities, and their mealworms are raised with proper care and nutrition.
  15. Ghann’s Cricket Farm ( Ghann’s Cricket Farm has been providing live crickets and other feeder insects for over 50 years. While their main focus is crickets, they also offer live mealworms in various sizes and packaging options.
  16. Great Lakes Gecko ( Great Lakes Gecko is primarily known for supplying gecko-related products, but they also offer live mealworms. They provide different sizes and ensure the quality and freshness of their mealworms.
  17. Coastal Silkworms ( Coastal Silkworms specializes in providing feeder insects, including live mealworms. They offer different sizes and packaging options to meet the needs of your pets.
  18. Wormy Worms ( Wormy Worms is a supplier of live feeder insects, including mealworms. They offer different sizes and ensure quality in their shipments. They prioritize the health and satisfaction of their customers.
  19. Reptile Supply ( Reptile Supply offers a variety of reptile products, including live mealworms. They provide different sizes and quantities to suit your needs. They have a user-friendly website and offer reliable shipping.
  20. Premium Insects ( Premium Insects is dedicated to providing high-quality live insects, including mealworms. They offer different sizes and ensure the health and freshness of their mealworms.
  21. Nature Gift Store ( Nature Gift Store offers live mealworms for reptile and bird feeding. They provide different sizes and guarantee the quality of their products.
  22. RodentPro ( While their main focus is rodents, RodentPro also offers live mealworms for reptile and bird owners. They provide various sizes and ensure the freshness of their mealworms.

When it comes to providing insect-based nutrition for pets or wild animals, there are several options similar to mealworms that can be considered. These insects offer similar benefits and are often readily consumed by a variety of animals. Let’s explore a few alternatives to mealworms:

  1. Waxworms: Waxworms are the larvae of wax moths and are highly sought after by reptiles, birds, and small mammals. They are soft-bodied and have a high-fat content, making them an excellent energy source. Waxworms are particularly popular among insectivorous pets due to their palatability.
  2. Crickets: Crickets are another commonly available and nutritious insect. They are rich in protein and can be a staple food for many insect-eating animals. Crickets are especially favored by reptiles, amphibians, and certain birds. They come in various sizes, making them suitable for animals of different ages and sizes.
  3. Dubia Roaches: Dubia roaches, also known as orange-spotted roaches, are a popular choice for insectivorous pets. They are low in fat, high in protein, and provide a good calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Dubia roaches are commonly fed to reptiles, such as bearded dragons and geckos, due to their nutritional value.
  4. Silkworms: Silkworms are the caterpillars of the silk moth and are widely utilized as a nutritious food source. They have a soft body and are rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Silkworms are particularly beneficial for reptiles, birds, and certain mammals due to their high nutritional content.
  5. Superworms: Superworms are the larvae of darkling beetles and are larger than mealworms. They have a higher fat content, making them suitable for animals requiring additional energy. Superworms are commonly fed to reptiles, such as bearded dragons and monitors, as well as certain birds.
  6. Phoenix Worms: Phoenix worms, also known as soldier fly larvae or black soldier fly maggots, are highly nutritious and have a balanced calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. They are popular among reptile owners due to their nutritional value and the fact that they do not require additional gut-loading or dusting with supplements.
  7. Fruit Flies: Fruit flies are tiny insects that are commonly used as food for small reptiles, amphibians, and some small mammals. They are easy to culture and provide a small, soft-bodied prey option for smaller animals.
  8. Grasshoppers: Grasshoppers are larger insects that can be offered as a natural prey item for certain reptiles, birds, and mammals. They are rich in protein and can stimulate hunting behaviors in animals that enjoy chasing and capturing their food.
  9. Locusts: Locusts are large grasshoppers that are an excellent source of protein for insectivorous pets. They are particularly favored by certain reptiles, such as bearded dragons, due to their size and nutritional value.
  10. Butterworms: Butterworms, also known as tebo worms, are the larvae of the Chilean moth. They have a soft body and are high in fat, making them a good energy source. Butterworms are often fed to reptiles, birds, and certain small mammals.

Live mealworms offer a range of benefits for your beloved pets. Whether you have a reptile, bird, or small mammal, incorporating live mealworms into their diet can provide essential nutrients, enrichment, and bonding opportunities. From their high-quality protein content to the stimulation they provide, these wriggly treats are a natural and nutritious choice for your furry or scaly friends.