Newfiedoodle + Newfypoo Ultimate Guide

newfiedoodle on the sand at beach
photo credit ig: newfiedoodle_nori

The Newfiedoodle or Newfypoo is one of the most popular dog breeds today. This breed hailed from Canada and was used as a working dog on fishing boats and farms.

It has a thick coat that keeps it warm in cold weather and can also be trimmed to accommodate warm summer weather.

The Newfiedoodle is a cross between the Newfoundland breed and the Poodle, creating an intelligent, playful dog with an outgoing personality.

Information about the Newfiedoodle Newfypoo

A Newfiedoodle is a cross between Newfoundland and Poodle. Newfiedoodles are typically large and affectionate dogs, making them great family pets.

The Newfiedoodle is a hybrid dog breed also known as Newfiepoo, Newfypoo, Newfy Poo, and Newfie Poo.

The term “Newfiedoodle” may have been coined in 2002 by the National Canine Hybrid Club (NCHC) founder after she observed what she described as poodles with the look of a Newfoundland dog.

newfiedoodle laying on grass
photo credit ig: newfiedoodlehazel

History of the Newfiepoo

You may be wondering, “What is a Newfiedoodle?” It is a cross between Newfoundland and Poodle.

Newfoundland is bred to swim in the water and retrieve items from the bottom of lakes and rivers.

They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and friendliness with people. Poodles were originally bred in France as water retrievers for hunters, and their coat was used to dry off after swimming in cold weather waters to prevent hypothermia.

Their coat also prevented them from being detected by prey while hunting them down.

Poodles today are still brilliant and loyal animals that enjoy being around people they love (and not so many strangers).

Newfie doodle dogs are generally friendly, loyal, and very intelligent. They can be trained to learn new tricks, fetch balls and other toys, go for walks on a leash (if you teach them as puppies), and even play games like fetch with you!

Newfie doodles love humans but can also be affectionate towards other animals in their families.

black newfiedoodle sitting on deck
photo credit ig: chesterthenewfiedoodle

How Newfiedoodle are bred

The breeding process of a Newfiedoodle is complicated, but the idea behind it is simple: to produce a dog that looks like your beloved Newfoundland without the shedding and drooling.

To do this, you need at least one purebred Newfoundland and one purebred Poodle.

The first thing you’ll want to do is find a breeder who specializes in Newfiedoodles. Your best bet for finding such a breeder would be searching online or asking around local dog parks.

It would help if you got as many recommendations as possible before deciding which breeder has the right temperament for your family and needs your dog’s coat length and size.

You can contact these breeders by email or phone, so they can introduce themselves and discuss their dogs’ personalities with you over the phone or via video chat.

They might even send some pictures via email so everyone knows what traits are essential when choosing puppies together.

newfiedoodles sitting on path
photo credit ig: puplikeaboss

Characteristics of newfiedoodle

Newfiedoodle is loving and sweet and makes excellent family pets. They get along well with children but supervise the interaction between your dog and young children.

Newfiedoodles are energetic dogs who enjoy playing games like fetch or tug-of-war with their owners. They also love to play in the water, so take him for a swim at the park or beach.

Newfies make good guard dogs because they’re fiercely loyal to their families and will protect them from intruders if necessary.

Newfie doodles are very loyal dogs who love spending time with their families.

They’re remarkably gentle and affectionate, but they also like being outside, exploring, playing in the yard, or walking around town.

Newfie doodles get along well with children and other pets if properly socialized from an early age.

Newfie doodles are similar to the mini goldendoodle, as they are good dogs for families who enjoy spending time outside with their pets. They love to play fetch, go swimming or just run around in the yard.

Newfie doodles are brilliant dogs that learn quickly when appropriately trained by a patient owner who has time to spend on training sessions every day for several weeks or months.

Depending on how quickly your new friend learns everything you want them to know about being a good dog.

Health issues concerning newfiedoodle

Hip dysplasia is when the hip joint does not develop properly, causing pain and lameness, and it can be genetically passed on to puppies.

Skin conditions: All dogs are at risk for developing skin problems such as allergies and yeast infections, but these are more common among Newfiedoodles than other dogs because of their long hair dragging on their skin.

Eye problems: Retinal atrophy or retinal detachment, cataracts (clouding of the lens), and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) are all diseases that affect both eyes simultaneously in many breeds of dogs, including Newfiedoodles. These diseases cause blindness if left untreated and should be monitored closely by your veterinarian throughout your pet’s life span.

Heart issues: Dogs with heart disease have problems with blood flow through their arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle itself; this causes an irregular heartbeat called arrhythmia, which can lead to sudden death if not treated immediately by a qualified veterinarian.”

Hip dysplasia is a situation that affects the hip joint, and it causes pain and lameness, which can lead to other severe medical conditions such as osteoarthritis.

Hip dysplasia can be genetically passed on to puppies, so you must find out if your breeder tests their dogs for this condition before purchasing one of their pups.

Kidney disease is caused by a buildup of waste products in the blood and can lead to kidney failure. It can be detected through blood tests and treated with medication if caught early.

newfiedoodle wearing blue bandana sitting on grass
photo credit ig: izzybear_the_newfiedoodle

Grooming of newfiedoodle

The Newfiedoodle should be brushed once or twice weekly to keep the coat clean and remove dead hair.

Daily brushing is not necessary, but if you brush daily, ensure it’s not too rough; the skin should always feel smooth and soft to the touch.

Newfiedoodles shed seasonally like their poodle parent, so be prepared for more shedding during these times.

They also may have an occasional blowout when they’re excited, annoyed, or anxious and undergoing hormonal changes such as puberty and pregnancy.

Suppose your Newfiedoodle has a significant amount of shedding that doesn’t seem normal (you might see clumps of fur in your house). Talk to your vet about possible causes. In that case, it could be something serious like hypothyroidism that requires treatment.

The rest of their grooming needs are similar to those of other dogs: Brushing is essential since it prevents tangles and mats in long-haired breeds such as Newfoundlands; regular bathing helps keep their skin healthy; dental care protects against periodontal disease by removing plaque from teeth every six months (more often for puppies).

Ear cleaning keeps ears healthy by removing dirt and wax buildup; nail trimming prevents splitting which could lead to gaging.

What is Lifespan of newfiedoodle or newfypoo?

Newfiedoodles may live as long as 12 years, though the average lifespan is 10-12.

The average weight of a standard poodle is 50-75 pounds, while the miniature Poodle weighs 25-50 pounds. The toy and teacup versions weigh between 10-20 pounds each.

Doodles are considered to be a healthy breed, with a life expectancy of 10-12 years.

The only health concern noted is that poodles are prone to developing eye and skin problems and a disease called autoimmune hemolytic anemia, where their red blood cells break down prematurely.

The standard Poodle is a medium-sized dog with a well-defined muzzle and moderately long, silky ears. They have an elegant appearance and are known for their intelligence.

The miniature Poodle is similar in appearance to the standard Poodle but is significantly smaller.

newfiedoodle laying down on couch
photo credit ig: newfiedoodle_lars


Newfiedoodles are a very social and gentle breed of dog. They love to play with other dogs but can also be left alone for hours without getting bored.

They happily entertain themselves by chewing on bones or ripping up old newspapers. Newfiedoodles are pretty easy to train, as they are brilliant and eager to please their owners, but like all dogs, they require training to learn obedience commands such as sit, stay and come when called.

In addition to being intelligent, NewfieDoodles are known for being playful, which means they will need regular exercise if kept indoors as a pet rather than an outside yard dog.

Because they will get bored quickly if left by themselves for too long without something exciting happening around them.

newfiedoodle going for a walk
photo credit ig: newfiedoodlehank

Does a Newfypoo need exercise?

A Newfiedoodle needs an average amount of exercise. A daily walk is sufficient for this breed, but if you can spare the time and energy, your new dog will appreciate more frequent and prolonged walks.

If you are training your Newfiedoodle to be a therapy dog, they will require even more exercise than the average family pet.

Newfiedoodles are a very adaptable breed and can live in most climates. They do not require as much exercise on warmer days, but they will still need daily walks.

The Newfiedoodle is a great family dog. They have a charming temperament, which makes them excellent with children. As puppies, they may playfully nip at your fingers or toes, but this behavior will quickly fade as they mature.

Newfiedoodles are very intelligent and can be easily trained. They will learn new commands within a week or two, but more advanced tasks may take longer.

If you want your Newfiedoodle to perform tricks for entertainment purposes, be prepared to spend many hours training them.

Newfiedoodles can be trained to be therapy dogs. They are very gentle and patient, which makes them perfect for this type of work.

Newfiedoodles are very active and playful, and they will keep you entertained with their antics, but they also need plenty of exercise daily.

If you have a yard, it is ideal for letting your Newfiedoodle run around in it as much as possible.

It would be best if you also took your Newfiedoodle on walks. They love scouting the world around them and enjoy hiking or camping with you. If you have an apartment or condo, a dog treadmill can be used instead of taking your Newfiedoodle outside daily.

What does a Newfypoo eat?

Feeding your Newfiedoodle is a little more complicated than feeding other dogs, but don’t worry. It’s not that bad.

There are several types of dog foods on the market today, including dry kibble and canned wet food.

The main difference is how much water is added before being served. Canned wet food usually has more water than dry kibble because it comes from cans instead of bags or boxes; however, both have roughly equal amounts of nutritional value per serving (more on this later).

Newfiedoodles are a large dog breed, so they need lots of calories. Puppies should have a diet rich in protein and fat; however, as they grow older, you can reduce the amount of fat in their food because their bodies will be more capable of burning it off.

Newfiedoodles are prone to developing hip and elbow dysplasia, so you should avoid feeding them foods containing corn or wheat unless they are labeled gluten-free.

If the food you usually buy has those ingredients, try switching brands until you find one that doesn’t have them.

Most dog owners feed their pets twice daily, but some give them treats throughout the day. Treats are unnecessary for your Newfiedoodle, but they’re okay now and then if you want to spoil them.

If you decide to give your Newfiedoodle treats, ensure they contain no more than 5% fat. You should also limit the number of treats you give them because too many can make them overweight.

What are Newfypoo health issues?

Newfiedoodles are prone to the same health concerns as similar breeds.

Hip dysplasia: Newfies and poodles are susceptible to this hip joint deformity, which can cause lameness and instability.

Skin allergies: Allergies can be brought on by food, environment, or internal issues like parasites or yeast infections that cause inflammation in your dog’s skin.

Symptoms include:
Redness and itching around the anus area.
Ear infections.
Scratching at paws.
Hot spots (red bumps on their skin).
Facial rubbing.

Some dogs may have more than one type of allergy, but no graphic pattern has been found yet, so it’s hard to predict whether they’ll develop problems in this area until they’re older.

It’s best not to jump to conclusions too early since some dogs will get better.
However, when it comes to others it won’t bother them much in their lifespan.

As long as they’re well fed and given plenty of exercise opportunities outdoors where there isn’t much pollution nearby. (iPadops often tend towards indoor living due to lack of access).

This means getting outside regularly, so he doesn’t get bored or depressed from being stuck inside all day long every weekend with nothing else besides those two words scrolling endlessly across his screen before finally turning off when someone goes on vacation.

Obesity: A significant concern among dogs today is obesity caused by overfeeding by parents who don’t know what healthy feeding should look like.

It should be based on age/size requirements instead of just ensuring everyone gets enough food regardless of whether they need it.) Feeding smaller portions will help keep things balanced for everyone involved – especially you.

You’ll also want to check out its food intake. How much food should your dog eat? If he’s overweight, then cutting back those calories might mean putting him on a diet plan which could take a while depending upon how much weight needs to be lost first.”

How to Train a Newfypoo

Training your Newfiedoodle can be a fun and rewarding experience. Your dog will learn to listen to you, obey commands and behave in public.

Your dog will benefit from training because it teaches him how to behave in different situations.

For example, if you want your puppy or adult dog to stop barking when guests are over, then he needs training on this topic first (or at least a couple of good treats.).

The most important thing about training is that it works better when done consistently. Don’t expect miracles if you only practice one command once or twice weekly.

The more often you practice commands with your pup, the quicker they will learn them and start behaving accordingly. In addition, they keep practicing even after they have learned their lessons well enough so that these behaviors become second nature for them.

Otherwise, things like jumping up on people at doorways might still occasionally, making visitors feel uncomfortable around dogs (unless those visitors don’t mind being greeted by an excited canine who has been waiting all day for company).

It’s also a great idea to have your pup trained so as not to break your custom dog mug gift you received from your bestie 😉


If you are considering getting an intelligent and loyal dog, but also easy to train and clean up after, then a Newfiedoodle might be right for you. These dogs are great family pets because they love kids and other animals and will even guard them if necessary.