Looking For a Custom Dog Mug Gift Idea + 5 We Love

We love to help you find great custom dog mug gift ideas and are excited to share a few of our favorites. The coffee mug is timeless and will be sure to put a smile on your friends face. A custom dog gift like a coffee mug can be ordered easily and will ship out directly to your friends home or business.

5 Custom Dog Mugs We Love

custom dog mug gift with buddy golden retriever
  1. We think Buddy the golden retriever looks cute on this custom line art mug from Customisity. They offer 2 sizes of 11oz or 15oz for the serious coffee drinkers.
custom dog mug teddy goldendoodle

2. Teddy is looking sharp on this custom mug by Rachel at ModPawsUS. The mug comes in different sizes and they even sell a tumbler so you can take your cute pup mug safely in the car.

custom dog mug of black and white small dog

3. This dog mom coffee cup from Jeremy at MaxiPup comes in 2 sizes. We love the pink background as it highlights the cute little tongue.

custom dog coffee cup teddy chocolate labrador retriever

4. Handsome Teddy the labrador retriever coffee mug looks amazing. The artists at WuvPup did an amazing amount of detail on his eyes and whiskers.

dog dad custom dog mug with hoodie and momo

5. One of our favs is this Dog Dad custom coffee cup with Momo designed by Customisity.

Why should you consider a custom dog mug as a gift? Well, the coffee cup is a classic gift that will give your friend years of smiles and use. You won’t break the bank as they are generally under $30 for a custom order and you can submit your favorite picture. You can submit a color picture and ask for a black and white photo if you are looking for something unique. Add the name of your pet or maybe the birth year or loss date for a memorial gift idea.

Can you add multiple pets to a custom dog mug? Yes, many sites will allow you to add additional pets for a nominal fee and would be cheaper compared to ordering separate cups. Or, fun idea if you have the budget would be to order one mug of each of your pets. You and your partner could each have a custom coffee cup.

Celebrating your dogs birthday or looking for a dog birthday gift idea? It’s always fun capturing pet memories on your phone. A custom dog mug is a great gift that your friend will enjoy for a long time and remember that fun birthday party.

Looking for a fun dog gift idea for your parents or grandpaw and grandmaw? A custom coffee cup will allow them to share the fun memories of your pups too and give them many smiles.

Have a friend that recently lost a dog? The coffee cup can be a great memorial pet gift idea that they will greatly appreciate. You can submit two pictures and have your friends dog as a puppy on one side and a recent picture on the other side.

It is hard to process the loss of a pet and finding the right gift can be difficult too. A custom dog mug may be just the right dog gift idea to capture the beauty of your friends pet and offer years of enjoyment for them. Wake up each morning and enjoy a cup or coffee or tea while admiring your favorite friends image.