5 Dog Loss Gift Ideas For Grieving Friends

Losing a pet is just as painful as losing a dear one from our family or friends. We want to share some dog loss gift ideas that are from your heart. Our pets are so dearly in our hearts that it is hard to rethink our lives without them. But as fate can’t be changed, what we can do is rejoice in the beautiful memories that the lost pet has left for us. If you have a friend or a family member who is currently grieving the loss of his dog, you can cheer him up by gifting him something sentimental. 

Here are some unique dog loss gift ideas that will be sure to memorialize the sweet pets in your life. 

5 Dog Loss Gift Ideas

bichon frise dog loss gift shadowbox with dog paw print and portrait
  1. Shadowbox dog loss gift idea

Personalized memorial gifts are the cutest and the dearest things one can gift to anyone who lost someone dear. A shadow box is an enclosed glass front display case in which people can display anything meaningful. It is not more than a few inches deep, so it is easy to enclose various 3D objects. Some people mostly use them to show collectibles or create a more themed decor but we love it for remembering your favorite fur baby.

A pet memorial shadow box can include a previous dog photo shoot pic, tags and collar, and small paw print-shaped cut-outs. You can go online for more inspiration. We adore everything about this sweet memorial to Sammy as it includes a picture, paw print and sweet quote. Thank You to Lori from DesignAndDandyCo on etsy.


dog loss gift portrait of chester black labrador dog

2. Custom dog portrait

This can be a brilliant idea to make someone grieve a little less about the dead dog. You can get a custom dog loss gift portrait of the dog that passed away and gift it to the grieving owner. These portraits capture the real beauty of the subject and give them a real-life presence in our lives, hanging framed in our houses. Talented custom dog loss gift artists at PrintOurPet on etsy. You can get such gift ideas made from your pet photos and let them add beauty to your house interiors with the dog’s presence. 

brown dog on the dog of lake christmas ornament

3. Pet Memorial ornament

Whenever we are at a loss or in happiness, we want to share these moments with our loved ones. This also includes being surrounded by memories of loved ones that have passed. If your friend or a family member is celebrating Christmas or another Holiday this year and has lost his dear dog too, you can create a Christmas tree ornament for them to hang in the holiday season and keep their dear pet alongside them through the festivity.  This sweet portrait of Barley with the quote “you left paw prints on our hearts” from Secret Creation on etsy

custom dog quote sign of Erika and Dakota

4. Hand painted dog quote sign

To show your true support, you should do something more than buy your friend or family a generic pet loss gift. You can even create something special for them by writing a quote yourself. Your handwriting will add a touch of warmth and love to your dog loss gift, and they will remember you for your kindness through a hard time. Such memorial gifts do wonders for the hearts of the receivers.  We think this custom dog portrait design of Erika and Dakota from FunkyFoxPrints is super sweet on etsy.

5. Pet Loss Gifts DIY – You can go to your local discount store like Ross or Target and look for a photo frame. Find a picture of your friends pet from Facebook or IG and print it out. Customize with paints or sharpie a sweet message on the frame for your friend. Maybe a pet name, favorite quote or song lyric to memorialize them.

These are some sweet dog loss gift ideas to cheer up someone who has lost his pet dog. A custom dog portrait will be a great idea to bring the dog back to everyday life and keep him through all the happenings. The pet owner will feel relieved that the dog is just near as earlier. 

So which personalized dog gifts for owners would you give to your friends? We would love to hear from you and update future articles for dog lovers to share.

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