20 Best Chicken Breeds For Pets

man holding chicken breeds for pets

When it comes to chicken breeds for pets, there are many different options to choose from. Depending on your preferences and needs, you can select a chicken breed that is friendly, sociable, playful, or even cuddly.

Some of the best chicken breeds for pets include the Silkie, Cochin, Wyandotte, and Easter Egger. These breeds are known for their friendly and sociable personalities, and they are often described as being “dog-like” in their behavior. They are also gentle and calm, making them a good choice for families with children.

In addition to their friendly dispositions, these chicken breeds for pets are also easy to care for. They can be kept in a variety of environments, including small backyard coops, and they are generally easy to feed and water. They also have a low maintenance level, as they do not require regular grooming or other specialized care.

Many breeds of chickens are available through breeders and hatcheries, but you may also be able to find chickens at a local feed store that sells chicks by mail order. If you want to raise your own chicks, it’s important to understand which breeds are best suited for your needs.

Some breeds are better than others when it comes to egg production, while others are better suited for small backyards or free-range yards.

You may also want to consider some of the rarer chicken breeds for pets or “heritage” breeds that aren’t bred commercially anymore because they aren’t fast growers or prolific layers — but they still produce quality eggs when allowed to mature at natural rates.

Here are a few of the best chicken breeds for pets

The Brahma chicken is a large, long-lived breed that makes for an excellent pet. They are friendly and docile, and they enjoy following a routine.
If you’re looking for a chicken that’s easygoing and self-sufficient—and able to fend for itself in your backyard—a Brahma might be the perfect fit for your family.
Brahmas are good layers of large brown eggs on average (though it’s said that larger hens lay even more). They also make good mothers: many hens will still raise their chicks after the other chickens start laying eggs again after winter.
Brahma roosters are great protectors of the flock and will chase off predators like foxes or raccoons who approach too close to their home.
As with most chicken breeds for pets, these birds prefer warmer temperatures, so if you live in an area where winters get below-freezing temperatures, you’ll need to keep them inside during those months or build a chicken coop shelter.

Ameraucana chickens are one of the most popular breeds among backyard chicken owners and for a good reason. The Ameraucana is a docile, friendly, and quiet chicken breed for pet to consider. They can be kept in an outdoor pen or a large cage.
They’re known for their blue-egg-laying abilities (which makes them particularly popular with people who like to dye Easter eggs), but they also come in other colors, such as white and various shades of brown.
Because Ameraucanas have been bred for egg production and not meat production, they tend to be smaller than many other breeds. Their smaller size makes them easier to handle when compared with larger birds like Rhode Island Reds or Orpingtons.
Ameraucanas make excellent chicken breeds for pets for people who want a bird that is easy to care for and doesn’t require much space or attention.
However, they do require a certain amount of socialization from their owners so that they don’t become lonely and depressed or get into trouble with other birds or small animals.

Rhode Island Red
The Rhode Island Red is one of the oldest chicken breeds for pets in existence, this red-feathered bird is known for its calm demeanor and friendliness with people. They’re also great egg layers and can be kept inside or outside depending on the weather.
Good foragers: Rhode Island Reds are known for their good foraging ability, which can come in handy when you need to keep your backyard clean.
Hardiness: They’re also pretty hardy and will withstand cold temperatures well. So if you have a backyard where winter is harsh, this might be the breed for you.
Temperament: These birds have a pleasant disposition and are great with children because they’re docile and easygoing.

Silkie (or Silky)
The Silkie is a small, fluffy chicken with feathers like fur. It has a round head, a short beak, and small eyes. “Silky” is an adjective that describes the softness and downy appearance of their feathers.
Silkies are friendly, easy to tame, and good to handle. They are also good mothers, which means that they can be used as brooders (mothers of chicks). They lay blue-green eggs with a high oil content that taste good when cooked.
The hens are good at keeping their nests clean. If you want to raise silkies for eggs, you should plan on having two hens per rooster (one rooster for every four hens). The roosters do not crow and do not fight each other unless too many of them are in one pen.
They are known for their friendly and docile nature and make great pets for children. The Silkie’s inability to fly makes them a suitable option for enclosed areas like coops or backyards, where they may be at risk from predators.

The Polish chicken is another good all-around bird that produces large eggs. It’s also a great choice if you’re looking for a bird that can withstand cold temperatures better than other breeds.
Polish chicken has been bred to be resistant to frostbite, so this breed may be ideal for you if you reside in a region that experiences extreme winter cold.
This bird is not as loud as some other breeds, so if you have close neighbors or live in an apartment building, you may be able to keep this breed. However, it does tend to be more vocal than other breeds of chickens.
Polish chickens are good foragers and will eat many different types of food. They can also tolerate cold weather better than many other breeds of chickens.

Cochin Bantam
The Cochin Bantam breed of chicken is one of the most popular breeds, known for its friendly and docile temperament. This bird is ideal for families with children or other pets because they are not flighty but enjoy being handled by people and other pets alike.
The Cochin Bantam is a popular breed of chicken. They are known for being very docile and friendly and have become very popular as pets. Their friendly demeanor makes them a good choice for children, although they are not as active as some other breeds. The Cochin Bantam has an average lifespan of around ten years or more.
The Cochin Bantam can be easily identified by its large size and thick feathering. They come in many colors, but the most common are white, black, gray, and blue. Male Cochin Bantams tend to be larger than females, although both genders have the same body shape and coloration.
Cochin Bantams are a hardy breed that can thrive in any environment, provided they have shelter from extreme weather conditions or predators such as cats or dogs, which may harm them if allowed outside unattended. However, these birds do not fare well under extreme.

The Leghorn is your best bet if you’re looking for a friendly, active, and affectionate chicken. The Leghorn is a popular breed of chicken that has been around since the 16th century. This breed is known for its fast growth rate, good egg production, calm demeanor, and white feathers.
Leghorns are easy to care for and require minimal space, making them a great option as best chicken breeds for pet if you live in an apartment or have limited backyard space. Their pea comb makes them easy to spot in the flock if you have more than one color variety.
They are also good foragers but require more food than other breeds because of their size. They are ideal for anyone who wants an egg-laying hen and lots of outdoor time.

D’Uccle-Mille Fleur
The Uccle-Mille Fleur is a rare breed of chicken. It is a Belgian breed known for its good temperament and beautiful feathers. The Uccle-Mille Fleur is a bantam version of the Belgian d’Uccle chicken, which means it’s smaller than standard chickens but just as sweet. The name “Uccle” comes from a town in Belgium where people have bred these chickens for centuries.
The Uccle-Mille Fleurs is a small, friendly, and docile chicken. You can expect this breed to have an average lifespan of 6-8 years. They are good for both the backyard and the city, but if you have children, it is best if they are supervised when handling the birds. This breed is known for being great mothers and will lay about two eggs per week throughout the year.
This breed is popular with people looking to keep chickens in their backyard. They are an easygoing chicken breeds for pets that enjoys being around people and other animals. They are also very hardy, making them great pets for children who desire instruction in caring for animals.
Uccle-Mille Fleur chickens have beautiful blue feathers with black barring on their wings and tails, making them stand out from other breeds.

Buff Orpington
One of the most widely used breeds is buff Orpingtons for pets, and they’re also great for laying eggs. This chicken breed is gentle and docile, making them easy to handle, even for children to take care of. They tend to be very friendly and affectionate toward their owners.

If you are a beginner chicken owner, the Australorp is a great option. This breed is very calm and friendly, making them easy to handle. They also have an excellent temperament for being around children or other pets in the home.
Australorps can be good egg layers depending on how they are cared for throughout their lives (purchased from reputable sellers), but they tend to lay fewer eggs than some other breeds due to their large size. However, their eggs make large-sized brown eggs that should hatch out healthy chicks if incubated properly by you!

Frizzle Chickens
The Frizzle chicken is a cross between the Barred Rock and White Plymouth Rock chickens. They are renowned for being amiable and affectionate, which makes them a good choice for beginners who are just learning about keeping chickens.
They also have few problems with predators or disease, making them one of the best breeds for families with smaller children.
Frizzle hens lay around 100 medium to large brown eggs per year and can be kept in an indoor or outdoor cage as long as they get enough room to move around.

The Wyandotte is a breed of chicken known for its large size, white coloration, and crest. It originated in the United States from various crosses between Barred Plymouth Rock and White Leghorn chickens.
They are good foragers and can be kept in small spaces such as an apartment balcony or patio.
These chickens do not require much space because they have a relatively small comb that is normally only one inch long.
These birds are docile but can get aggressive if they feel threatened by other animals or humans; they are also protective mothers who will attack anyone that may harm their young ones.

The Barnevelder has a calm and docile temperament, making it an ideal choice for beginners.
The hens are good layers of large white eggs that have brown spots on the eggshells. They also make good nesters, meaning they are better at caring for their chicks than some other breeds. Barnevelders have an excellent ability to free range if given the opportunity or space to do so.

Naked Neck
Naked Neck chickens are small, friendly, and docile. They make good pets for children because they don’t fly and will happily follow you around. Naked Necks lay white eggs and can be good layers if given adequate food and space. They are also excellent foragers, which is another way to say, “they like to eat bugs.”

Orpington chickens are a good fit for first-time chicken owners. They’re friendly and docile, so you don’t have to worry about them fighting or being aggressive. -This makes them ideal pets for younger children. Orpingtons are also good egg layers, meaning they’ll be happy chirping at your feet whenever you come home from work with their favorite treats! They’ll make a great addition to your backyard family without much effort—just feed them regular food and give them fresh water twice a day (the most basic care requirements).
Orpingtons are also very popular breeds among poultry enthusiasts; these birds often appear in show rings because of their beautiful feathers and striking appearance.

With their fluffy feathers and beautiful plumage, Cochins are known for being friendly and docile. They have a docile nature that makes them an excellent choice for beginners.
Cochins are good egg layers but don’t make much noise. If you’re looking for a great chicken breed around children, this is the breed for you!

The Minorca is a small, active chicken that’s good at laying eggs and foraging for bugs. They prefer warmer climates where they can be raised outdoors year-round.
Some people enjoy keeping them as pets because they are so small, but if you have young children or are looking to raise chickens primarily as pets (i.e., not for their meat), the Minorca isn’t your best bet: they may be too flighty and skittish to handle regularly. They do make great show birds, though!

Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
The Blue Laced Red Wyandotte is a breed of chicken originating in the United States. It was developed from crossing Silver Laced Polish and Barred Plymouth Rock chickens, with other breeds being added later on. The Blue Laced Red Wyandotte has a friendly, docile nature and is easy to handle. They are good for pets as well as show birds.

The Dominique is a dual-purpose breed. It is small to medium in size, about 5 pounds, and is good for egg laying.
The Dominique chicken features yellow skin with black legs, red earlobes, and dark brown eyes. It’s known as one of the best egg layers out there — an average hen will lay about 250 eggs per year!

Buckeye Chicken Breed
If you want to get a chicken breed that is easy to handle, the Buckeye Chicken is for you. These chickens are docile and friendly, making them great pets for children. They enjoy interacting with their owners, whether it’s just sitting on your lap or having their heads scratched.
Buckeyes are also social chickens. They like to be around other chickens and will not act aggressively toward newcomers or other animals in the yard (unless they feel threatened). That said, they do like to be with humans more than other birds, so they might not be suitable for families who don’t have time or interest in spending time outdoors with their pets. Chickens raised as pets can also be remembered when passing and we have several pet memorial gift ideas to share with friends and family.

Many chickens make great pets as well as producing eggs.​
You may not have considered your chicken to be a pet, but in many ways, they are. Chickens are intelligent, social animals that can easily bond with humans. They love exploring and investigating their surroundings and enjoy spending time outside their coop. If you’re looking for a new pet that offers minimal care and maintenance—think no litter box or indoor potty training is required—chickens may be the perfect choice for you.

There are many chicken breeders in the United States, and they can be found in almost every state. These breeders raise a variety of chicken breeds for pets, and they often specialize in certain breeds or types of chickens.

To find a chicken breeder in the United States, you can search online for local breeders in your area. You can also visit local farms or agricultural fairs, where you may be able to meet chicken breeders and see their chickens in person.

When choosing a chicken breeder, it is important to do your research and make sure that the breeder is reputable and provides healthy and well-cared-for chickens. You should also consider the type of chickens that you are looking for, and make sure that the breeder has the breeds or types of chickens that you are interested in.

Overall, chicken breeders in the United States can be a great resource for those who are looking to add chickens to their family. They can provide healthy, well-cared-for chickens, and they can also offer advice and support to new chicken owners.

We’ve talked about varieties such as silkies and Brahmas, but there are many more to choose from for chickens as pets. It is important that when choosing your chickens, you get them from reputable breeders who care about their animals and provide them with excellent living conditions. We also have an extensive list of the best duck breeds for pets that you should also check out.